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2017 Natural Resource Governance Institute Training Courses

  • Blog post

  • 15 January 2017

The Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) and its partners are pleased to announce course offerings for 2017 through early 2018. With generous donor support, NRGI offers a number of scholarships available to eligible participants from select countries.

NRGI and its partners deliver courses for civil society advocates, government officials, journalists, parliamentarians and other actors working to improve the management of oil, gas and minerals. We offer global and regional courses, both in-person and online. Our approach focuses on learning through participants’ own experiences and uses sustained debates and policy labs to allow participants to apply new knowledge to their professional roles. Courses encourage participants to examine and debate the pros and cons of policy decisions from various angles.

This page will be regularly updated as new information about courses becomes available. Announcements on course will also be made via NRGI’s Facebook and Twitter feeds.



Reversing the Resource Curse: Theory and Practice

7-18 May 2017
Budapest, Hungary
Delivered in English.
This event has concluded.

This advanced course offered in partnership with the School of Public Policy at the Central European University is open to exceptional individuals from government, civil society, parliaments, media, international development agencies, industry associations and academia who already have a solid understanding of natural resource governance and seek to enhance their knowledge and skills in order to play a more effective role in developing, monitoring and evaluating the mineral and petroleum sectors in their countries and across the globe.

A limited number of scholarships comprising travel, accommodation and tuition are available on a competitive basis for leaders from government, civil society, parliaments, and media from the following countries: Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Indonesia, Iraq, Libya, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Tanzania, Tunisia and Uganda. Individuals from other countries and sectors are welcome to apply for the course but will not be considered for scholarships. Donor and partner organizations may wish to provide additional scholarships. The cost of tuition is EUR 2,800. This does not include travel, accommodation and dinners.

Watch a short video on Reversing the Resource Curse: Theory and Practice.

Visit NRGI’s course page to find contact details for inquiries and additional information on course content, faculty and requirements.

Executive Course in Oil, Gas and Mining Governance

10-15 September 2017
Oxford, U.K.
Delivered in English.
Applications accepted from April 2017.

NRGI and the University of Oxford’s Blavatnik School of Government offer an annual high-level executive course on natural resource management for the most senior policymakers in government (e.g., ministers, deputy ministers, heads of agencies, departments and state-owned enterprises, as well as high-ranking members of parliament) and leaders in the private sector and in the donor community. This intensive five-day course provides the training and insight policy leaders in the public and private sector need to work towards better management and governance of oil, gas or mineral resources. The course builds a better understanding of the interests of the public and private sectors and facilitates dialogue and mutual appreciation of respective positions between different groups.

More information on tuition and available funding will be available in April 2017. Visit NRGI’s course page or BSG’s course page to find contact details and more information about the course.


Anglophone Africa Regional Extractive Industries Knowledge Hub Course

4-15 September
Accra, Ghana
Delivered in English.
Applications should be received no later than 30 June. Please visit the event page for more information.

NRGI runs a comprehensive, intermediate-level summer school for participants from Anglophone Africa. The two-week residential course covers fundamental governance issues in the decision chain of natural resource management. It also seeks to deepen participants’ knowledge and analytical skills in areas of fiscal and revenue management policies, EITI reports, contracts and key legislation. The course is open to government officials, civil society actors, journalists, parliamentarians and private sector actors. Attendance costs USD 2,500 inclusive of accommodation, food and tuition.

Watch a short video on the Anglophone Africa knowledge hub course.

For more information, please contact Rushaiya Ibrahim-Tanko at

Francophone Africa Knowledge Hub Course

31 July- 11 August 2017
Yaoundé, Cameroon
Delivered in French.
Application deadline: 31 January 2017

In partnership with the Centre d’Excellence pour la Gouvernance des Industries Extractives en Afrique Francophone (CEGIAF) at the Catholic University of Central Africa, NRGI delivers a two-week intermediate level summer school on extractive resources governance in Yaoundé, Cameroon. The course is open to civil society actors, journalists, parliamentarians, mayors and senators with at least two years’ experience in the promotion of the better governance of extractive industries. The two-week course covers the decision chain, including the decision to extract, legislation, contracts, taxation, collection and management of revenues, social and environmental impacts and the impact of extractives on development.

Three months of online preparatory activities will precede the two-week residential course. Preparatory work will commence on 1 March 2017.

Attendance costs approximately USD 2,700, inclusive of flights, accommodation, meals at venue and tuition. For more information, consult NRGI’s course page or contact CEGIAF at

Watch a short video on the Francophone Africa hub.

École d’été du Centre d'Excellence pour la Gouvernance des Industries Extractives en Afrique Francophone

31 juillet au 11 août 2017
Yaoundé, Cameroun
Cours dispensé en français.
Date limite de candidature: 31 janvier 2017

En partenariat avec le « Centre d'Excellence Pour La Gouvernance des Industries Extractives en Afrique Francophone » (CEGIAF), de l’Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale, Yaoundé, Cameroun NRGI offre un cours d'été (‘l’université d’été’) de niveau intermédiaire sur la gouvernance des ressources extractives, d’une durée de deux semaines à Yaoundé au Cameroun. L’université d’été est ouverte aux acteurs de la société civile, aux journalistes, aux parlementaires, aux maires et aux sénateurs engagés dans la promotion des industries extractives (IE) dans leur pays depuis au moins deux ans. Elle dure deux semaines et couvre la chaîne de décision des industries extractives: la décision d’extraire, la législation, les contrats, la fiscalité, la collecte et gestion des revenus, les impacts sociaux et environnementaux, l’impact des ressources extractives sur le développement. Elle comprend des activités préparatoires de trois mois, qui se font en ligne et le cours d’été de deux semaines en résidentiel. Les travaux préparatoires débuteront le 1 mars 2017.

Les frais de cours, y compris le transport par vol, l'hébergement, les repas et les frais de scolarité, sont d'environ US$2,700. Pour plus d'information, consultez la page dédiée à ce cours sur le site de NRGI ou contactez le CEGIAF (

Asia-Pacific Knowledge Hub Course

January 2017 Yogyakarta, Indonesia Delivered in English.

In partnership with the School of Politics and Government at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, NRGI runs a two-week intermediate-level course on improving the governance of extractive industries. The course is open to civil society organizations, policymakers, members of EITI multi-stakeholder groups, staff of state-owned enterprises and professionals involved oil, gas and mining in the Asia-Pacific region. Attendance costs approximately USD 2,000, inclusive of accommodation, food and tuition. For more information, consult the course page or contact Yunita Ike Christanti, Asia-Pacific hub manager, at

Eurasia Knowledge Hub Courses / Курсы Евразийского Центра Знаний

Delivered in Russian.

In partnership with Khazar University, NRGI offers a comprehensive course on the extractive industries decision chain and thematic courses in issues relevant to the Eurasia region. These include EITI, revenue management and economic diversification in period of low commodity prices. Courses are open to civil society actors, government officials, journalists and researchers.

Watch a short video on the Eurasia hub.

Planned courses for 2017 are:

  • Training of trainers: Legal and fiscal frameworks of extractive industries (three days). The course is planned for 3-5 April and the application deadline is to be determined. 
  • Core course (eight days): A decision chain course based on the Natural Resource Charter, this helps participants understand the linkages between extractive sector transparency, accountability and management issues as an integrated system. Planned for 29 June through 6 July. The deadline for applications is 26 May.
  • Certificate Program in Natural Resource Management (10 days): A pilot stage will offer a 6-month advanced-level certificate program in governance of oil, gas and mining to mid-level professionals with experience in government and public sector; oil, gas and mining company employees; the academic and policy community; nonprofit organizations from Eurasia (NRGI’s priority countries in Eurasia are the following: Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Ukraine) engaged in any stage of the decision chain of natural resource extraction, production, management and its impacts on the producer country’s socio-economic development. Combining online learning and residential modules, the program will cover a wide-range of topics from extraction and exploitation of natural resources to legal and fiscal frameworks and management of fiscal revenues and their use for sustainable development. The Certificate Program dates are to be determined. 

Costs vary by course, with the core course on the Natural Resource Charter Decision Chain costing $2,625, inclusive of tuition, food at venue and accommodation. 

For more information about Eurasia hub courses, visit NRGI’s course page or contact Nazaket Azimli, Communications and Development Manager at

Курсы проводятся на русском языке.

В сотрудничестве с Университетом Хазар, NRGI предлагает всеобъемлющий курс по цепочке решений в добывающих отраслях и тематические курсы по важным вопросам для Евразии, такие как Ининциатива Прозрачности в Добывающих Отраслях (ИПДО), управление доходами и экономическая диверсификация в период понижения цен на нефть и газ. Курсы открыты для членов гражданского общества, госчиновников, журналистов и расследователей. На 2017-й год планируются следующие курсы:
  • Тренинг для тренеров по теме “Правовые и фискальные рамки в добывающих отраслях” (три дня) – Планируется на март 2017-го года.
  • Основной курс (восемь дней): Основываясь на Хартию Природных Ресурсов, этот курс по цепочке решений помогает его участникам понимать взаимосвязь между прозрачностью добывающего сектора, подотчетностью и вопросами управления как единой системой. Планируется в июне 2017-го года.
  • Сертификатная Программа по Управлению Природными Ресурсами (10 дней). Пилотная стадия предлагает 6-месячную передовую программу по управлению нефти, газа и горной добычи для профессионалов среднего уровня имеющих опыт управления в правительстве и государственном секторе, добывающих компаниях, академических и неправительственных организациях Евразии (NRGI’s priority countries in Eurasia are the following: Afghanistan, Albania, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Ukraine.) вовлеченные в одну из фаз цепочки решения по обнаружению, добыче, управлении природных ресурсов. Комбинируя модули по дистанционному и резидентурному обучению программа охватывает широкий диапазон тем включая обнаружение и добыча ресурсов, правовые и фискальные рамки а иак же управление доходами и из использование для устойчивого развития. Сертификкатная Программа начнется в Феврале 2017-го года.

Стоимость курсов отличается, однако стоимость основного курса по цепочке решений Хартии Природных Ресурсов составляет $2,625, включая оплату за обучение, расходы на проживание и питание. Даты курсов предворительны и будут утверждаться.

Для дополнительной информации о курсах Евразийского Центра, посетите страницу NRGI по курсам или свяжитесь с Назакет Азимли, Менеджером по Коммуникации и Развитию Евразийского Центра по адресу

Middle East and North Africa Knowledge Hub Course دورة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا

1-10 November
Delivered in Arabic.

NRGI and the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies deliver an annual beginner-level comprehensive course on the governance of the oil and gas sectors. For more information, visit the course page or address your questions to

يقدم معهد حوكمة الموارد الطبيعية والمركز اللبناني للدراسات دورة تدريبية سنوية للمبتدئين حول حوكمة الصناعات الاستخراجية .دورة 2017 ستقام في شهرسبتمبر/ايلول. للمزيد من المعلومات، الرجاء التوجه الى صفحة الدورة او ارسال الاسئلة على العنوان التالي سيتم تنفيذ التدريب باللغة العربية و سوف يتم اقرار التاريخ المحدد في الأشهر القادمة

Latin America Knowledge Hub Course / Curso de Alto Nivel en Gestión de la Renta Extractiva para el Desarrollo

15 – 17 February 2017
Bogotá, Colombia
This course is only for participants in Colombia.
Delivered in Spanish.

In partnership with the Universidad Externado de Colombia, NRGI will offer the second edition of the High Level Course on Extractive Income for Development. This course is aimed at officials, representatives of the private sector and members of non-governmental organizations. The course will provide participants with tools for decision-making in the management of revenues derived from the extraction of natural, non-renewable resources.

Participants will cover the following:

  1. Examination of the basic conditions for good management of extractive revenues;
  2. Analysis of these conditions in relation to the General System of Royalties (SGR).
  3. Exploration of the tools and analytic methods needed to take decisions to ensure the best use of extractive revenues.

Interested parties can apply here.

For more information, contact

15, 16 y 17 de febrero de 2017
Bogotá, Colombia
El curso está dirigido a participantes de Colombia exclusivamente.
Clases en español.

La Universidad Externado de Colombia con el apoyo del Instituto para la Gobernanza de los Recursos Naturales (NRGI por sus siglas en inglés) ofrecerá la segunda edición del Curso de Alto Nivel en Gestión de la Renta Extractiva para el Desarrollo destinado a funcionarios, representantes del sector privado, y miembros de organizaciones no gubernamentales.


  1. Examinar las condiciones básicas para la buena gestión de la renta extractiva.
  2. Analizar estas condiciones en relación con el Sistema General de Regalías (SGR).
  3. Explorar herramientas y métodos de análisis para tomar decisiones respecto al mejor uso de la renta extractiva.


Para mayor información escribir al correo

Watch a short video on the Latin America hub.

Online Interactive Course (self-paced)

From September/October 2017. In English.

Starting in 2017, web users will be able to explore natural resource governance in Petronia through NRGI’s new interactive web platform. Petronia is a simulated learning experience exploring the policy challenges of a fictional developing country at the outset of oil production. Online learners join a team of experts deployed to advise Petronia’s policymakers in a series of complex resource governance scenarios based on models and case studies developed by NRGI experts. Learners interact with their team and Petronian clients, choose their own interests, set their own learning pace, and, along the way, build their knowledge of the issues, stakeholders and complex trade-offs in managing resource wealth for development. This course combines the best of NRGI’s learning tools, including animations, graphics, case study approaches, problem-solving and data analysis, while providing greater accessibility to a general audience. The full learning experience takes around 90 minutes and is suitable for users that may not be ready yet to make the more significant investment of time that the MOOC or in-person courses on offer may require.

The platform will be available on NRGI’s website from late 2017. To be notified of the platform launch, please register your interest here.


Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: The Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mining Governance (facilitated MOOC)

The next edition of this MOOC will run in February/March 2018. Delivered in English (video lectures are subtitled in French, Spanish and English).

NRGI, the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment (CCSI), the World Bank and the SDG Academy jointly offer Natural Resources for Sustainable Development: The Fundamentals of Oil, Gas and Mining Governance. This massive open online course (MOOC) is designed for the participation of large numbers of geographically dispersed learners. It stretches over 12 weeks and covers a range of topics, including the challenges and opportunities that come with extractive industries, key political economy considerations, legal frameworks, tax policy, environmental issues, community rights, artisanal mining, economic linkages to the wider economy, and the management and investment of revenues for sustainable development. Each week, students have access to around one hour of recorded video lectures, led by a diverse faculty of world-class experts and practitioners, including Professor Sir Paul Collier and Professor Jeffrey Sachs. In addition to key background readings for review and engagement in online forums and quizzes to consolidate learning, students will have the opportunity to ask questions to experts in weekly live Q&A sessions. The course is particularly suitable for those who seek to build a solid comprehensive understanding of the field. Access to the course requires a reliable internet connection to be able to view the videos.

Check the SDG Academy site for more information.

Course Language Location Course Dates Application Deadline
Asia-Pacific Knowledge Hub Course EN Indonesia January 9 – 21 November 2016
Latin America High Level Course Extractives Income for Development (3 days) ES Colombia February 15 – 17 TBC
Eurasia Knowledge Hub Certificate Course RU Azerbaijan September 25 – December 5 September 15
Eurasia Knowledge Hub TOT Legal and Fiscal Frameworks (3 days) RU Azerbaijan April 3-5, 2017 N/A
Reversing the Resource Curse: Theory and Practice EN Hungary May 7-18 December 11, 2016
Eurasia Knowledge Hub Core Course (8 days) RU Azerbaijan June 29 - July 6 May 26
Francophone Africa Knowledge Hub Course FR Cameroon July 31 - August 11 January 31, 2017
Anglophone Africa Knowledge Hub Course EN Ghana September 4-15 June 30
Middle East and North Africa Knowledge Hub Course AR Lebanon November 1 - 10, 2017 TBC
Executive Course in Oil, Gas and Mining Governance EN U.K. September 10-15 June 2
Online self-paced interactive course EN Online January 2018 N/A
Natural Resources for Sustainable Development (facilitated MOOC) EN (FR,ES) Online February/ March 2018 TBC