Uganda aims to generate revenues from oil and gold production while tapping transition minerals to fund a sustainable energy transition.
Uganda is moving toward commercial oil production, but the world’s eventual decarbonization means that Ugandan oil assets could become financially unviable. Meanwhile, the growing demand for transition minerals needed for green technologies presents Uganda with opportunities for economic growth: alongside its abundant oil, gold, tin and tungsten reserves, the country boasts rich deposits of copper and cobalt.
In Uganda, NRGI works closely with government officials, parliamentarians, journalists and civil society actors to develop their capacity to ensure citizens experience maximum benefits and minimized harms from resource exploitation. The program focuses on raising awareness of the risks and opportunities of oil production and promoting transparency and accountability in resource governance systems. NRGI is also highlighting the importance of transition minerals in driving economic growth in Uganda. The program supports government stakeholders with reforming legal and institutional frameworks and the royalty regime to optimize fiscal take and maximize benefits for citizens and mineral-producing districts.

2021 Resource Governance Index
The 2021 RGI assessed the governance of Uganda's mining and hydrocarbon sectors.
Related NRGI team members

Paul Bagabo
Senior Officer

Moses Kulaba
East Africa Regional Manager

Thomas Scurfield
Africa Senior Economic Analyst
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