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COP26 Events: Toward a Just and Equitable Energy Transition for Resource-Rich Countries

  • Blog post

  • 26 October 2021

As leaders from the public and private sectors debate how best to move away from fossil fuels toward green energy, they cannot ignore the needs of low- and middle-income resource-producing countries. During COP26, these public-facing events from NRGI and partners will explore ways to promote a just and inclusive transition.

Transition to Net Zero: Are Extractives-Dependent Economies Prepared for the Risks and Opportunities?
EITI, Chatham House
Thursday, 4 November, 10:30 am GMT
What Does an Equitable Energy Transition Mean for Extractive-based Developing and Emerging Economies?
OECD Development Centre, Carbon Tracker Initiative, Chatham House and the Commonwealth Secretariat
Friday, 5 November, 5:30 pm GMT
How Can Commonwealth Countries Accelerate Action to Reduce Methane Emissions in the Petroleum Sector?
The Commonwealth Secretariat, New Producers Group
Monday, 8 November, 2:30 PM GMT
Publication of National Oil Companies and Climate Change: Insights for Advocates
Tuesday, 9 November

Energy Transition and Mining: Risks and Opportunities for Sub-Saharan African Countries
Publish What You Pay
Tuesday, 9 November, 9:30 am GMT
More information here
Climate Change and New Petroleum Producing Countries: Forging a New Path towards an Equitable and Just Energy Transition
New Producers Group, Commonwealth Secretariat and NRGI
Wednesday, 10 November, 2:30 pm GMT
Moderated by NRGI's Amir Shafaie
The Energy Transition and the Far-Reaching Implications
Carbon Tracker
Friday, 12 November, 3 pm GMT
Featuring NRGI’s Nafi Chinery


Photo by hpgruesen on Unsplash.
