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Deecember 2019 and January 2020 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 1 February 2020


NRGI Named Among Top Transparency and Governance Think Tanks for Fifth Consecutive Year
For 2019, NRGI was ranked in the Global Go To Think Tank Index Report third among 67 institutions, equalling its 2018 result after ranking seventh in 2017, eighth in 2016 and 10th in 2015.

Letter from NRGI’s President and CEO

Daniel Kaufmann closed 2019 with reflections on NRGI’s achievements, its new 2020-2025 strategy and the organization’s future leadership.

Proposed U.S. Oil and Mining Transparency Rule Will Not Deter Corruption
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted strong rules in 2012 and 2016 which led the way in creating a global standard for transparency in the extractive sector. Those rules were never fully implemented and the SEC has now come back from the drawing board with a rule that falls well short of the standard that it previously established.

New Book: Crude Intentions

In her new book, NRGI's Alexandra Gillies explores dozens of high-profile corruption cases, allowing a wide range of readers to understand how oil deals go wrong and why it matters. Learn more from Oxford University Press and Amazon. On 12 February in New York, Columbia University's Harriman Institute will host a discussion of the book. Launch events will follow in Washington, D.C. and London.

Executive Course on Oil, Gas and Mining Governance

Led by globally recognized experts, this course is designed to encourage senior-level policy makers from around the world to share their own experiences while gaining insights and specialist knowledge about natural resource management. The application deadline is 2 March 2020, and financial support is available.

Many National Oil Companies Are "Hidden Giants"
It’s time for more transparency in the management and governance of national oil companies, write NRGI's David Manley, David Mihalyi and Patrick Heller in the IMF's Finance & Development



2020 Africa Mining Indaba
NRGI staff will attend next week's 2020 African Mining Indaba and Alternative Mining Indaba and feature in four events while in Cape Town.

Eurasia Knowledge Hub Course: Natural Resources for Sustainable Development
This course offers participants from the region a well-grounded knowledge of theories and practices for efficient resource governance. It consists of an initial online phase, and then selected learners will be invited to a ten-day residential phase in Baku, Azerbaijan in late June. The application deadline is 15 March.


Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Revenues: Using Payments to Governments Data for Accountability

Seventeen international oil and gas companies have reported over $15 billion in payments to Indonesian government entities since 2014. This report explores some of the ways this timely source of payment data can be used as an accountability tool. (Read the press release here.)

Lessons for Generating Government Revenue for New and Prospective Liquefied Natural Gas Producers
Over the last decade, LNG prices in the three main markets of North America, Western Europe and East Asia have diverged significantly at times. This briefing presents two case studies of developing countries that have faced challenges in securing public revenue from their natural gas industries.

Holding to Account: How Publishing Facts about Foreign Corruption Creates Accountability
Many governments share evidence from corruption cases confidentially. But how does public disclosure of facts from corruption cases, whether by courts or other law enforcement bodies, aid the broader fight against corruption? Could more transparency help anticorruption efforts by regulators, companies, journalists, civil society actors and others?


Revisit NRGI’s Ten Most-Read 2019 Blog Posts
This recap of the most popular posts published in 2019 covers corruption, taxation, gender and more.

NRGI Organizational Evaluation: Full Text and Management Response
In 2019, NRGI’s management commissioned an organizational evaluation in order to reflect on past progress and inform the development of its new strategy. The final evaluation, a summary and a management response are now available to read.

Should the OECD’s Proposal for a “Unified Approach” on Corporate Taxation Exclude Extractive Industries?
If member countries of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting adopt this proposal, they should exempt extractive industries so as to protect the legitimate interests of resource-exporting countries.

Electric Vehicle Supply Chain Presents Opportunities and Risks for Mineral Producers
For countries that produce minerals needed in electric vehicle batteries, projections of rapidly rising demand could herald abundant new public revenues and industrial opportunities. Yet the prospect of a sharp increase in demand carries significant challenges for governments and companies alike.

New Countries Report in Latest Natural Resource Revenue Dataset
NRGI’s Natural Resource Revenue Dataset is of use to those researching a resource-rich country and in need of data to quantify the government’s dependence on revenues from natural resources-- and a December 2019 update is now available.

Les réalités de la gouvernance des communes minières : Perspectives de la Guinée et du Niger
Deux élus locaux, de la Guinée et du Niger, à l’occasion de l’Université d’été sur la gouvernance des industries extractives ont parcouru les problèmes que rencontrent leurs collectivités dans le cadre de l’exploitation des ressources minières sur leurs territoires et leurs efforts pour diversifier l’économie locale.

La minería y los desafíos de la transición energética en Argentina: Una conversación con Carolina Sánchez
Carolina Sánchez, Secretaria de Política Minera de Argentina, reflexiona sobre los desafíos que supone coordinar el desarrollo de la minería en el país y el modo en que Argentina enfrenta la transición energética.

NRGI in the news and on the web

Guinea economy crippled by protests as fears for mining grow
France 24

It’s time for the Myanmar government to disclose oil and mining contracts
Myanmar Times

The Best Books of 2019
Foreign Affairs

The vicious cycle of climate change and illicit money in Africa
The Citizen (Tanzania)

Mines en Guinée : « Les revenus de l’État ont bondi mais la redistribution locale piétine »
Jeune Afrique

Fossil fuel divestment will increase carbon emissions, not lower them–here’s why
The Conversation

Guinée : « L’Etat ne doit pas sous-traiter le développement local aux sociétés minières »
Le Monde Afrique

Réformes de la gouvernance des industries extractives : L’Afrique discute du déficit de la mise en œuvre
Journal L'Economiste du Faso (Burkina Faso)

Mapped: The World’s Biggest Oil Discoveries Since 1868
Visual Capitalist

Governing Petroleum Resources: Prospects and Challenges for Tanzania
CMI (Norway)

5+ online portals every data extractor needs to know about

Jean-Pierre Okenda : « Il y a un écart important entre les lois, les réformes en RDC et leur mise en œuvre »
Radio Okapi

Extractive businesses asked to disclose ownership information
Myanmar Times

Controversy grows over secret nickel mine deal in Sagaing Region
Frontier Myanmar

Four Unfinished Dodd-Frank Rules to Watch at SEC in 2020
Bloomberg Law

Government needs money for teachers and doctors – reforming mining tax can help
The Global New Light of Myanmar

Disclosure of Extractive Beneficial Ownership [Myanmar language]
Myanmar Times

Victoire d’étape pour une transparence accrue dans le négoce
Le Temps

Spending bills sent to Senate

VIDEO: Discussing Climate Change and Social Unrest with Daniel Kaufmann and Monica Araya
World Bank Climate

VIDEO: Climate Change and Social Unrest (features Daniel Kaufmann at 30:00)

Approaches for better resource mobilization to finance Africa’s Sustainable Development Goals
Brookings Institution

The Oil and Gas Industry in Energy Transitions

ExxonMobil Bantah Tak Transparan soal Kewajiban Bayar ke RI
CNN Indonesia

Perusahaan migas internasional tidak bayar langsung ke Kemenkeu, Ditjen Migas anggap 'wajar, sudah sesuai UU'
BBC Indonesia

ConnocoPhillips Klaim Transparan Lapor Pembayaran Bonus ke RI
CNN Indonesia

NRGI dan PWYP Sebut Ada Perusahaan Migas Tak Patuhi Aturan
CNN Indonesia