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November 2022 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 30 November 2022

COP27 Highlights

Threading the Needle: How JETPs Can Support Gas Producers
The role of fossil gas was a hotly contested issue at the climate conference in Egypt. The authors of this working paper explore how just energy transition partnerships might help gas-producing countries navigate the coming years. (Watch a related COP event co-convened by NRGI and the World Resources Institute, with a focus on Senegal.)

VIDEO: Mission Critical: Mining Governance for a Just Energy Transition
Meeting the Paris Agreement’s mitigation goals requires the deployment of low-carbon technologies that rely heavily on minerals. This makes the mining sector critical in the fight against climate change. Speakers at this side event explored why resource governance and collaboration matter for a just transition, with a focus on the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

VIDEO: Africa’s Energy Transition Blueprint: Opportunities and Challenges

carbon tracker panel

This Carbon Tracker panel charted possible pathways for Africa’s energy transition, and featured NRGI's Nafi Chinery.

VIDEO: Critical Minerals for the Energy Transition
At this event organized by the U.K., experts including NRGI's Ana Carolina González Espinosa highlighted risks in critical mineral supply chains. Watch the recording.

AUDIO: Ensuring Transition Mining Doesn't Replicate Abuses of the Past: Voices from Communities
Community leaders on the frontlines of mining for minerals for the energy transition shared their experiences about the impacts of the transition on human rights and the environment. Hear a recording of the event, facilitated by NRGI's Silas Olan'g.

VIDEOS: Civil Society Voices and Dispatches from Sharm el-Sheikh

NRGI expert

NRGI experts shared a number of perspectives live from Sharm el-Sheikh. Revisit them here.


In advance of the conference NRGI spoke to stakeholders in its priority countries in Africa and Latin America and amplified their voices and perspectives. Watch to find out what they hope to see in their countries’ energy transitions.

Transition Minerals Open Statement for COP27
NRGI joined other civil society organizations in a call for negotiators at COP to ensure that human rights and the environment are central considerations amid the transition mineral boom.

Risky Bets and the Energy Transition
Nafi Chinery spoke to members of the press during the final stretch of COP, describing the economic risks undertaken by countries that pursue new oil and gas exploration. (Starts at 6m 44s.)


Like Wakanda, the Real Africa is Rich in World-Saving Metals

african mining

African mining is highly relevant to climate goals: buried in the continent's soil are the metals critical to moving away from humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels. In this commentary for Reuters' Context, NRGI experts draw on their Triple Win research to highlight key governance opportunities.

IACC 2022: Building the Path Towards a Fair and Sustainable Future
NRGI president and CEO Suneeta Kaimal will speak alongside other experts at a plenary session at the International Anti-Corruption Conference on 7 December. The next day, NRGI's Matthieu Salomon will speak at an online Transparency International Australia event on implications of the just energy transition for the mining sector. And this year NRGI is joining three workshops at the conference. 

COP27 Stocktake: What Is the Role Of Fossil Fuels In Africa’s Energy Transition?
NRGI's Aaron Sayne will join the panel at this Center for Global Development event this Friday (2 December). Speakers will break down the nuances of climate change adaptation and finance in Africa, while addressing grievances and pressures felt by African nations.

U.K. Slaps Glencore With Major Bribery Fine. Will It Clean Up Its Act?
Glencore has received a record fine from U.K. authorities. Will the punishment change corrupt behavior in the commodity trading industry? Are individual executives next?

Zainab Usman Joins NRGI's Governing Board
NRGI has welcomed Zainab Usman, director of the Carnegie Africa Program, to its board. 

Blog posts

Boom or Bust: Will Mineral-Rich Countries Benefit from the Energy Transition?
At COP, NRGI and the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) signaled that energy transition brings economic opportunities for mineral-rich countries—but corruption and governance risks could undermine the sector’s promise. (Also available in FrenchRussian and Spanish.)

Road to COP27: Positioning Africa’s Civil Society and Citizens on Climate Change, Energy Transition and Extractives
Despite contributing little to greenhouse gas emissions, Africa is the region most affected by climate change and looming energy transition commitments.


Conversatorio: Retos y posibilidades de la transición energética en la Amazonía peruana
NRGI's Juan Luis Dammert and Claudia Viale joined this Spanish-language conversation about the role of the Amazon in the energy transition: social challenges, progress, diversification, justice, economic viability, sustainability and more. Watch the recording.

NRGI in the news and on the web

Un reñido acuerdo en COP27: fondo para compensar a países pobres afectados por la crisis climática
OjoPúblico (Peru)

COP27: Fondo de pérdidas y daños para países vulnerables es “un avance simbólico, pero hasta ahora no es más que una declaración”

End the false promises : Why COP27 must be a true African COP (Also available in Swahili.)
The Citizen (Tanzania)

COP27: protección a la Amazonía, tema protagónico en la conferencia sobre cambio climático

Lebanon's failing state forces unplanned shift to solar power
Financial Times

CGD’s Role in the Development of the Open Contracting Movement
Center for Global Development

Stakeholders task Federal Government on implementation of energy transition plan
The News Diary (Nigeria)

Sovereign wealth fund’s fork in the road
Daily Inquirer (Philippines)

Briefing Paper: The Potential for Open Contracting in Namibia
Institute for Public Policy Research

Stakeholders Insist Nigeria Must Consider Local Priorities in Executing Energy Transition Plan
THISDAY (Nigeria)

Pre-budget 2023: Govt urged to prioritise investment in clean, renewable energy
Graphic Online (Ghana)

Extractive sector can fund govt programmes if well managed – NRGI
Ghanaian Times