NRGI’s Ten Most-Read 2021 Publications
This year NRGI's audiences were keenly interested in country-specific analysis as the pandemic continued to roil economies. The most-read publication of 2021 was Alonso Hidalgo's description of the impact of the pandemic on resource governance in Mexico, with pandemic impact and Resource Governance Index assessments of Peru, Lebanon and Mongolia also proving popular.
Readers were also curious about the risks that oil-producing countries are taking on amid the energy transition, and were particularly interested in learning about how Senegal governs its nascent natural gas sector.
- Mexico: Updated Assessment of the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Extractive Sector and Resource Governance | México: Evaluación actualizada del impacto de la pandemia del coronavirus en el sector extractivo y la gobernanza de los recursos naturales
- Risky Bet: National Oil Companies in the Energy Transition
- Perú: Evaluación actualizada del impacto de la pandemia del coronavirus en el sector extractivo y la gobernanza de los recursos naturales
- Opportunities and Challenges for Senegal in Oil and Gas Production: Lessons Learned from Other New Producers | Opportunités et défis pour le Sénégal dans le domaine de la production pétrolière et gazière : Enseignements tirés de l’expérience d’autres nouveaux producteurs
- لبنان: تقييم مُحدّث بشأن تأثير جائحة فيروس كورونا على قطاع الصناعات الاستخراجية وإدارة الموارد
- The East Mediterranean Gas Forum: Regional Cooperation Amid Conflicting Interests
- Gender and Extractive Governance: Lessons from Existing Legal and Policy Frameworks
- Diagnosing Corruption in the Extractive Sector: A Tool for Research and Action
- Indice de gouvernance des ressources naturelles 2021 : Sénégal (pétrole et gaz)
- 2021 Resource Governance Index: Mongolia (Mining)
Learn about NRGI's ten most-read 2021 blog posts.

Alice Perepyolkina
Communications Associate

Alexandra Malmqvist
Senior Communications Officer

Lee Bailey
Communications Director