NRGI’s Ten Most-Read 2022 Publications
Some of NRGI's most-read publications this year focused on governing critical minerals needed for the energy transition away from fossil fuels. The most-read publication of 2022 was a report on overlooked governance dimensions of cobalt (an essential input for electric vehicle batteries), particularly in the DRC. Other country- and region-specific publications proved popular with NRGI's audiences.
Delve into these and more in 2022’s top ten most-read publications:
- No Time to Waste: Governing Cobalt Amid the Energy Transition | Le cobalt : renforcer la gouvernance est une urgence pour la transition énergétiqu
- Anticorruption Guidance for Partners of State-Owned Enterprises
- Triple Win: How Mining Can Benefit Africa’s Citizens, Their Environment and the Energy Transition
- Perspectivas para el litio en México después de las reformas a la Ley Minera
- Resource-Backed Loans in Ghana: Risks, Opportunities and Lessons
- Guerra en Ucrania: Desafíos estratégicos para la gobernanza extractiva en América Latina | War in Ukraine: Strategic Challenges for Extractive Governance in Latin America
- La transition énergétique en Afrique du Nord
- Framework for Countries Evaluating Gas-to-Power Pathways
- Mongolia’s State-Owned Mining Enterprises: A Deeper Look Into Glass Accounts Data | Монголын төрийн өмчит уул уурхайн компаниуд: Шилэн дансны мэдээллийн гүнд
- Le partage des revenus des ressources naturelles en Tunisie
Top photo by Fairphone for Flickr (licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.0)
Learn about NRGI's ten most-read 2022 blog posts.
Learn about NRGI's ten most-played 2022 multimedia.

Alice Perepyolkina
Communications Associate