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October 2022 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 2 November 2022

NRGI experts and partners will be in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in November for the COP27 UN climate conference. Our events and content focus on the governance of transition minerals and the potential for just energy transition partnerships in gas-producing countries

More broadly at COP, NRGI will highlight the needs and priorities of resource-rich developing countries in the context of a just energy transition, with special emphasis on African countries reliant on oil, gas and mining. 

Learn more about NRGI's program at

Event: Mission Critical: Mining Governance for a Just Energy Transition
Meeting the Paris Agreement’s mitigation goals requires the deployment of low-carbon technologies that rely heavily on minerals. This makes the mining sector critical in the fight against climate change. This official COP27 side event on 12 November explored why resource governance and collaboration matter for a just transition. 

Report: Triple Win: How Mining Can Benefit Africa's Citizens, Their Environment and the Energy Transition
Africa’s minerals are essential inputs to green technologies needed for the transition away from fossil fuels. Any future extraction must benefit Africa’s citizens, their environment and the energy transition. This report dives into policy options for achieving this mining “triple win.”

Event: How JETPs Could Support Just Energy Transition Pathways in Africa
Speakers at this COP27 Blue Zone event on 15 November explored how just energy transition partnerships might support energy transition pathways that respond to the specific needs and priorities of African country contexts, and to contribute to wider debates about what justice and equity mean for energy transition pathways across the continent. 

Videos: African Voices and COP27
NRGI has been soliciting viewpoints from a range of African civil society actors to learn more about what they hope for in an energy transition. View this playlist to hear from activists and changemakers in Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania and more.


USAID Support Promotes Transparency and Accountability in Senegal’s Extractive Industries 
To promote transparency and accountability in Senegal’s oil, gas and mining sectors, USAID Senegal has commenced a four-year program with NRGI, Forum Civil and ONG3D. (Also available in French.)

NRGI Impact: Guinean Communities Benefit from Mining Revenues and Civil Society Capacity Building
Like many resource-rich low-income countries, Guinea faces challenges in leveraging its natural resource wealth for sustainable development. NRGI has supported authorities and communities to increase the flows of mining revenues to people affected by the sector.


'Energy Futures that Protect the Planet': The Global Registry of Fossil Fuels
Suneeta Kaimal moderated the Climate Week launch of Carbon Tracker's public registry which tracks worldwide fossil fuel production and its impacts on the global carbon budget.

Exploitation minière et transition énergétique : quelles opportunités pour les objectifs de croissance et de développement de l'Afrique ?
This French-language webinar, organized with Publish What You Pay, provided an overview of global demand forecasts for transition minerals and the economic and governance approaches that African governments can use to promote development and growth.

NRGI's in the news and on the web

Stakeholders discuss climate ahead of COP27
The Citizen (Tanzania)

Glencore Deal in Chad Holds Key for G-20 Debt-Relief Breakthrough

Governing Tanzania’s gas. Why it matters
The Exchange Africa

L’acceptabilité sociale et la participation citoyenne sont les clés de succès de la transition énergétique en Afrique du Nord (NRGI)
Agence Ecofin

Extractive sector can fund govt programmes if well managed – NRGI
Business Ghana

Niveau de transparence des entreprises minières en termes de publications de données
Action Mines Guinée

Guinée : l’ONG Actions Mines publie son 2ème rapport d’évaluation des entreprises minières

As Countries End Oil Funding, Nigeria Deepens Energy Transition
Daily Trust

Fossil fuels: Is the world on track for moving past coal, oil and gas production?
Carbon Brief

Osinbajo to Headline NEITI’s Energy Transition Dialogue
This Day Live (Nigeria)

Ghana's crude oil production on a 3-year downward spiral

Mining stakeholders appeal for amendment of some EIA laws
The Citizen (Tanzania)