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Presenting NRGI's 2019 End-of-Year Review

Since 2017, NRGI has annually produced an extended review of our progress to share with key stakeholders and donors in the resource governance field. Given the complexity and occasional sensitivity of our programming, we have not made these end-of-year review exercises publicly available, though they have informed NRGI’s internal discussions and analyses.
We had initially planned on sharing selections of the 2019 end-of-year review simply for field-wide learning purposes. But the ongoing coronavirus crisis has drastically altered the landscape for resource governance globally, and we felt that it was now even more important to distribute this digest of NRGI’s work. In particular, this end-of-year review may be a unique reference point as the work it details abuts the start of the pandemic.
Even barring the sudden global shifts we are now facing, this review comes at an important time for our organization. As 2019 marked the final year in NRGI’s 2014-2019 strategy, this document allows for a unique moment of reflection for NRGI, as it also draws upon insights from a recent organizational evaluation. This reflection is particularly relevant as a segue to our 2020-2025 strategy, which now guides our work as we adapt to the new reality of the pandemic era.
The review’s executive summary provides an overview of NRGI’s programming across our thematic areas. In addition to a broad overview of progress made in 2019, the document also includes select outcome stories that demonstrate how NRGI’s theory of change manifests real-world interventions and results.
We welcome any comments or questions on the document—you can email me at—and we look forward to continued engagement with our colleagues in the resource governance field regarding our 2019 lessons.

Kamyar Jarahzadeh is the monitoring, evaluation and learning program officer at the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI).