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September 2019 News and Analysis from NRGI

  • News from NRGI

  • 30 September 2019


Beyond Revenues: Measuring and Valuing Environmental and Social Impacts in Extractive Sector Governance

This report includes a review of approaches to measuring environmental and social impacts of extraction. It accompanies a database of collated information on various tools, frameworks and standards. Users of the "Tool Explorer" can search for monitoring and assessment frameworks based on their interests and needs.

How Tanzania Can Secure a Good Deal for its Offshore Gas
The Tanzanian government and a consortium of companies are negotiating the regulatory terms for a major LNG project. The authors of this brief update a previous analysis of some of the key decisions that will be made in the negotiation and their potential impact on whether the project proceeds and the revenues that it could generate.


Anticorruption Presentations in Ecuador and Peru
In November, NRGI president and CEO Daniel Kaufmann will speak at two conferences in South America: Conferencia CAF: Gobernanza, instituciones e integridad en las políticas públicas (7 November in Quito, Ecuador) and 5° Congreso Internacional de Infraestructura y Desarrollo (11 November in Lima, Peru).

Natural Resource Governance MOOC Now Available in Arabic

The free online course Natural Resources for Sustainable Development is now fully available in an Arabic edition hosted by e-learning platform eDraak. Registration is open.

IGF Annual General Meeting: Mining in a Changing Climate
NRGI's Thomas Lassourd will participate in the panel "Resource Taxation in a Changing World" on 10 October at the Annual General Meeting of the Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development.

Spotlight on Indonesia

The Case for Publishing Indonesian Mining Agreements
This brief gives an overview of the mining documents that Indonesian authorities should make public, and suggests a path for making publication a reality. (It is also available in Bahasa Indonesia.)

What government must do to know real extractive firms’ owners
In this op-ed in the Jakarta Post, NRGI's Fikri Muhammadi discusses last year's EITI report on Indonesia. Crucial information was missing from many of the entries, including the identities of the real owners of extractive firms.

"Talking Indonesia: Energy," a Podcast Featuring NRGI’s Emanuel Bria
NRGI’s Emanuel Bria recently featured on the University of Melbourne’s Talking Indonesia podcast. The discussion focused on the tension between coal and renewable energy developments in Indonesia.


New Database Reveals Prominence of Tax Incentives in Mining

Do tax incentives granted to mining companies deprive communities of the full value of their countries' extractive resources, or are they necessary to encourage large capital investments in projects with high levels of financial and operational risk?

Que retenir de l’édition 2019 de l’université d’été sur la gouvernance des industries extractives en Afrique francophone?


Managing Expectations About Tanzania’s Uncertain Gas Revenues
There is a reasonable chance that foreign investment in the LNG project will not happen under current conditions. If the project does proceed, the government revenues it generates are unlikely to be transformative.

Assessing Tunisia’s Upstream Petroleum Fiscal Regime
The authors of this paper examine Tunisia’s upstream petroleum fiscal regime, considering the government’s policy priority of reversing a decade-long decline in reserves and production. They make recommendations for creating a vibrant petroleum industry to support the local economy, reducing the country’s increasing dependence on imports, attracting investment and boosting exploration activity.

NRGI in the news and on the web

Mongolia's Long Road To Mining Wealth

National Public Radio (U.S.)

W. Myanmar Locals Worried BRI Projects Threaten Their Livelihoods
The Irrawaddy (Myanmar)

Mining for Opportunities: Myanmar (Podcast featuring NRGI's Sebastian Sahla)

Transparency keeps resource curse at bay
Business Day (Kenya)

DRC: Miners on hold while government stalls
The Africa Report

The Irreparable Damage: the Environmental Impacts of Jade Mining

Open Data: Myanmar Jade

Mine et Developpement, featuring NRGI’s Hervé Lado Radio Espace (Guinea)

Faces of Open Government: Suneeta Kaimal
Open Government Partnership

Gemstones and jewelry omitted from Union Tax Bill 2019
Myanmar Times

Economic interests of the Myanmar military
United Nations Human Rights Council

Code minier: l'autre nouveau défi de la RD Congo
Le Point Afrique

Moves to overhaul mining regime underway
Daily Graphic (Ghana)

Mongolia photo credit: Claire Harbage/NPR