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Domestic Energy Transitions in Resource-Rich Countries: The Role of Gas and Renewables

26 June 2023 8:00AM CEST

  • Event

  • Ending 9:30AM CEST

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The event is open to all and not only limited to those attending the advanced course.

To close this year’s "Natural Resource Governance and Energy Transition: Policies and Practice" advanced course, ETH NADEL and the Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) organize an online public debate on 26 June 2023, 2 p.m. CET, discussing domestic energy transitions in resource-rich countries, with a specific focus on the role of gas and renewables.

  • Yaye Catherine Diop (MPE, Senegal)
  • Giulia Giordano (ECCO, Italy)
  • NRGI's Laury Haytayan (moderator)
  • Marusia Ruiz-Caro (Consultant, Colombia)
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Photo by Miguel Gutierrez for NRGI
