Jordan Diamond
Jordan Diamond is the president of the Environmental Law Institute. She brings to NRGI her experience in ensuring environmental governance is based on the best information available, developed through inclusive and transparent processes, and implemented through adaptive and accountable systems.
Previously Diamond was the executive director of the University of California (UC) Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE), which designs and develops pragmatic policy solutions to environmental and energy issues; she also co-directed the Law of the Sea Institute at UC Berkeley. From 2018–23 Diamond served on the California Ocean Protection Council. Prior to CLEE, Jordan was a staff attorney at the Environmental Law Institute, where she worked on polices related to federal energy, the Arctic, and disaster response and restoration.
Born in the U.S., Diamond received her undergraduate degree from Wesleyan University and earned her juris doctorate, with a certificate of specialization in environmental law, from UC Berkeley School of Law. She has received the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources’ Distinguished Environmental Advocates: The Next Generation Award and the Environmental Law Institute’s Environmental Futures Award.