Sophia Rwegellera
Tanzania Senior Officer
Sophia is responsible for planning and implementing NRGI’s strategy in Tanzania as well as monitoring and evaluating the country program.
Sophia worked as a technical advisor for GIZ on a project that supported good governance in Tanzania’s Natural Gas Sector from 2013 to 2017. In this capacity, Sophia provided advice on policy and made recommendations for capacity development strategies for the Ministry of Energy and Minerals’ natural gas unit. In addition, Sophia supported Tanzania’s Ministry of Energy and Minerals in developing a communication strategy for the oil and gas sector, which centered on stakeholder engagement. Sophia’s professional career began in the banking industry; she worked for over six years in the financial markets departments of two international banks.
Sophia holds a B.Sc. in economics, an M.Sc. in energy studies with a specialization in energy policy, and an LLM in energy law and policy.