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Supporting EITI to Strengthen Global Extractives Governance Standards

  • Impact story

  • 7 October 2020

NRGI helps countries leverage Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative processes and norms to advance broader policy reforms.

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a global standard for open and accountable management of oil, gas and minerals, led by a coalition of government, companies and civil society. NRGI was instrumental in the founding of EITI and several NRGI staff have since served on its board. NRGI leads advocacy efforts and provides technical expertise to expand EITI’s disclosure norms. NRGI experts supported the development of the EITI Civil Society Protocol, help shape EITI policies, lead the formulation of EITI’s approach to climate risks and the energy transition, and support accountability actors to analyze EITI data to inform reform.

NRGI helps countries leverage EITI processes and norms to advance broader policy reforms—e.g., contract and beneficial ownership transparency in Ghana and state-owned enterprise reforms in Guinea, Indonesia, Mongolia and Myanmar.

NRGI also uses its technical expertise and cross-stakeholder credibility to lead the negotiation and drafting of the most complex EITI Standard provisions.

NRGI’s EITI interventions have so far resulted in the requirement of:

  • 21 new countries to start disclosing extractives contracts from 2021 onwards
  • 40+ new countries to start disclosing project-level payments from companies to governments
  • SOEs in 35 countries to expand disclosures to include transfers, retained earnings, reinvestment and third-party financing information
  • EITI reports in over 50 countries to disclose material environmental payments from companies to governments, and employment data disaggregated by gender.

Going forward NRGI will ensure impactful implementation of these new requirements, and continue to ensure that national innovations shape global policy improvements.