Nigerian activist speaks to protesters at COP27 conference in Egypt

Anticorruption & accountability

Addressing extractive-sector corruption is crucial for citizens in resource-rich countries and for the attainment of global climate goals.

Photo by Sean Gallup for Getty Images
Photo by Sean Gallup for Getty Images

Corruption occurs at every step of the extractive industry value chain, and takes many different forms, both illegal and legal. Corruption diverts public money towards private hands and jeopardizes crucial environmental and social safeguards around the extractives sector, putting communities—particularly women and Indigenous peoples—and the environment at risk. Interests vested in preserving the fossil fuel sector undermine transition to a low-carbon future, while the mineral supply chains that underpin renewable technologies are also vulnerable to corruption risks.

NRGI works to prevent harm resulting from corrupt practices, limit the space for corruption to take place undetected, ensure corrupt actors are held accountable. NRGI builds knowledge of corruption risks and advocates for comprehensive accountability and transparency measures, including around beneficial ownership and contract disclosures. The organization supports country-specific anticorruption policy processes and international standard setting, including in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative.

Corruption in mineral supply chains threatens a just energy transition and risks derailing global efforts to fight climate change.
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