Community discussion near copper mine in Challhuahuacho, Peru

Just energy transition

As the global energy transition accelerates, decisionmakers must ensure that it is just, inclusive and equitable—with people’s needs at its center.

Photo by Miguel Gutierrez Chero for NRGI
Photo by Miguel Gutierrez Chero for NRGI

To be just, the energy transition must be well-governed and address poverty and social inequity, while also tackling the impacts of the climate crisis and environmental degradation. As governments face critical decisions, officials must ensure that the transition delivers sustainable and inclusive development by putting people first. This is especially important in countries that are highly dependent on fossil fuel assets at risk of being “stranded” (made economically unviable). Participation of all stakeholders, access to information and accountable government are key to ensuring a just transition.

NRGI’s programs have evolved to incorporate the global energy transition as it has gotten underway. NRGI works with governments and civil society actors in resource-rich countries to increase their influence in international discussions about the energy transition, which has significant implications for citizens and their livelihoods. NRGI also aims to increase the scale of well-governed finance for climate action to support countries’ energy transitions, and to ensure that citizens in resource-producing countries benefit from equitable domestic energy transitions.

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